Thursday, February 26, 2015


     I feel like I am running into Andrew’s story everywhere I turn. Most recently, I check out an audio book from our local library, Eyes Wide Open by Andrew Gross. I had read a good review of another mystery he had just published but was not available yet as an audio recording. I popped the discs into my car player as soon as I left the library, while still sitting in the parking lot. The tape player sprang to life with a familiar voice. I recognized this voice I liked from another audio book. I thought, great, this man is a wonderful reader. 

      No sooner had I lulled myself, when I realize that the opening sequence was a very detailed description of what was going inside the head of a young man. It began when he reached the top of a rock he had climbed with the intention of committing suicide. He is hearing voices and the voices are encouraging him to jump and free himself of pain and suffering. He admits being afraid, but the voices reassure him that he will be going to a better place. He feels sad at the pain he will be causing his parents. In the end, the voices are more powerfully persuasive and he jumps to his death. 

     I listened to this voice very analytically, trying to compare it to my sense of how Andrew might have spent his last few minutes of life. I felt like Andrew had made up his mind months before he actually jumped from the train trestle, but maybe he did have second thoughts. As I was listening I recall thinking that I must get John to listen and get his read  This book, billed as a mystery, goes on to describe the parents anguish and blaming themselves. 

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