Sunday, February 15, 2015


       As I continued to consider having Andrew buried with us I got to thinking about how I wanted to be buried, or if I wanted to be buried. That took me to which, of John and I would die first, and should Andrew be buried with the first of us to die, or the second.

       I posed this question to John and his first response was the last, adding that ideally they would commingle all three of our ashes and disperse them together. I told him of my concern that if both of us were dead there was a decreased likelihood of our wishes being carried out. I said, “If we are able to bear it, maybe the last of us alive should see to it that Andrew is buried with that parent, ensuring that he be with at least one of us”. John agreed.

         I am sure that our daughters,  Marnie and Eileen would honor our wishes if they are able, but if the last of us alive sees to it, it takes the burden of it off them. So, I guess this is what we will do.

From here, we moved to cleaning out the refrigerator. When I suggested this to John he countered with, “Let’s do it later”. I said, “Let’s do it now because the thought of doing it alone overwhelms me. He agreed. As we finished, John said, “It is so much easier doing things together than going it alone”.

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