Sunday, February 8, 2015


I wanted to get back to Kathy and the lattes. Kathy was suffering from many physical issues, particularly back and leg pain. This made it very difficult for her to walk. Life seemed harder for her than for me.

One question I have is “Do introverts suffer more than extroverts do?” I believe they may. I have heard different definitions of introversion and extroversion. Carl Jung may have been the first to use these concepts. His description of an introvert was a person concerned primarily with how other people and life’s events will affect him/her; Jung’s extrovert is primarily concerned with how s/he will effect other people and life’s events.

Extroverts may see life’s events and relationships as having less potential risk to them. Extroverts can be risk takers because they may feel more in control of outcomes than the introvert does.

        My informal test for the extroversion introversion question is how people respond to a request. Introverts in my life often either say “no” outright, stall or equivocate when responding to a request. They seem much more comfortable if they can initiate the plan. This might give them time to consider the potential risks and rewards ratio.  

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