Friday, February 20, 2015


Getting back to what I want to do as I grow-up, it occurs to me that I am probably most happy when I have a variety of things going on in my life. In addition, I know I need flexibility. These two preferences are probably true of 90% of the population. 
I like doing things with my hands, such as, painting or clay work. I know, however, that if I do these things too much, I either burn out or get bored as demonstrated by my low level of energy when contemplating either task. I like group work, especially bridge, which is helpful in figuring out where I need to grow and change.

Playing duplicate bridge is the ultimate social network. Participants cross almost the entire spectrum of human diversity.  My reactions to my bridge partners and opponents serve as my psychic maturity meter or psychomameter, my new word. It is utterly amazing to see the difference in how I feel about someone after I recognize my projections and attempt to reclaim them. Hey maybe I am finally beginning to grow up. 

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