Saturday, February 28, 2015


The Philadelphia Inquirer of 1-1-11 has an article describing an attempted suicide by a depressed young man who jumped out of a 9-story building and lived despite a fractured skill, and crushed legs and pelvis. 

My first reaction to the story was to think why didn’t Andrew survive and then to be even more horrified by the thought that maybe he did at least for 24 plus hours. When the family rushed to the hospital, the doctors told them that their son had 24 hours to live. The survivor told of being depressed before the attempt but having no recollection of jumping and when he found out what had happened he asked who pushed me.

I do not know if incidence of suicide has increased or my awareness and search for it has increased. I expect the latter. I do believe it is my longing to place Andrew and myself into the understanding comfort of others who have had similar experiences. Sort of a misery loves company. I know I long for some reassurance that Andrew was just doing what sufferers of serious mental illness do when they are overwhelmed by symptoms that are not well managed by currently available treatment.

      As if to make my point, this morning the coach of the Philadelphia Eagles lost his son. He was found dead in his dorm room at the Eagles practice facility. No signs of violence or suicide the papers said. He had a long history of drug abuse, which involved trafficking and reckless endangerment with a vehicle. 

I wish I had some notion of what the ideal solution is knowing what we know now. It certainly seems like we are letting a not insignificant portion of our young, more male than female population down, along with their families.

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