Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Shortly after Andrew died, I am not sure exactly when, John and I decided to go out to dinner. I had recently read a review about a restaurant in West Chester. I guess it should have occurred to us that traveling to Andrew’s college town might be provocative but it never did, not to either of us on a conscious level.
As I type, I remember it was dark as we began our trip and that means it was probably late fall of the year Andrew died. We drove without speaking much at first. West Chester is about 20 miles from our home and we headed out our usual route to the college. As we got closer, we were trying to figure out just where this restaurant was. We were using the GPS system built into my car. John was driving per usual.
 I hate to drive and he likes to. The GPS directions were not making a lot of sense to us and we were unsure of where we were. As we drove around, in what seemed like circles, I spied Andrew’s first dorm arise out of the darkness. Both of us realized it at the same time as I called it out to John and he nodded slowly in agreement.
We were still unsure of how to get to the restaurant and were getting more agitated as we rolled around the poorly lit suburbs of West Chester. Next, we landed at Andrew’s last dorm and we both began to share our agitation.

I said, “What are we doing, why are we here?” and then I started to cry. John shared his near horror at the power of our unconscious nee  to search for Andrew under the guise of searching for this restaurant whose name I cannot now remember.   

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