Friday, January 23, 2015


The italics below are still quoting from the interview with Karen Green widow of author David Wallace who committed suicide by hanging.

Problematic for me is that there is a post-traumatic stress that comes from finding someone you love like that, as I did. It's a real thing. A real change to your brain, on a cellular level, apparently

      This I certainly share. My body has been and still is in a state of responding to and recovering from Andrew's death. This for me has been the biological equivalent of losing a limb, having a major organ replacement surgery or a near death auto accident. 

      At times, but less now than right after Andrew died, my body  alternates between humming with a pulsing energy that I had never consciously experienced before and numbness.
     I only rarely even get sleepy these days. I am in what feels like a constant ongoing state of shock. 

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