Friday, June 20, 2014


Andrew spent the summer working for a lawn maintenance company. He wanted to be outside doing something physical to toughen him up for the rigors of military life. Additionally he had begun to do pushups and sit-ups as well as to run every day.

For my part, I did notice that as the summer advanced I was getting more anxious. It felt like the anxiety was about Andrew’s readiness for military rigor. I kept quizzing him as to whether or not he was doing his exercises and had what he needed for school. I feel like I was making him more anxious that he might already have been by constantly monitoring his activity. I wonder now if my anxiety may have been related to a premonition of what was coming or part of it. I suspect both.

We drove Andrew to Charleston – this part is a little blurry. What I do remember is that we had decided to take our time coming back since we were empty nesters there was no reason to rush home. I just looked back over my daily pages and found that I had written nothing from around March of 1999 until March of 2000. It still feels blank right now. I guess I did not write about what was going on at the time Andrew first got sick because in me there was so much turmoil, devastation and emotional chaos

I just read some new findings on neurobiology declaring that each time we retrieve a memory it is different. Of course we are different and the altered memory is reflective of what we have lived and stored and our ability to remember.

 So I understand that what follows may not be an accurate picture of what actually happened. I will still offer it as the best I have at this time. I am sad that I did not capture  more. I also remember writing for quite a while at the beach the August after Andrew died and I cannot put my hands on those notes either.

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