Tuesday, June 10, 2014


 I did not go back to work for over a week—maybe as many as 14 days. I was a complete and total physical and emotional wreck. I went to the hospital every day, bur Andrew was not getting better. He had a fever that he could not shake. He lost 10-15 pounds and was listless. He was also developing Herpes lesions on his shoulder as his resistance lowered.

They ran some IV antibiotics and eventually did a CAT scan. The scan showed a --sub-phrenic abscess--a sac that forms around an infection and floods the area with white blood cells trying to wall off and overcome the infecting bacteria. The sac with the walled off infection fills with dead white cells—puss-- and is very difficult to reach with either oral or intravenous antibiotics. Another surgery was required to remove the abscess. Andrew had his second operation within a week. 

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