Monday, June 30, 2014


Once home, things began to deteriorate. By Sunday, Andrew was vomiting and had ringing in his ears. We talked to the partner of his Charleston psychiatrist, who was out of town. When I told him Andrew’s symptoms, history and medication, He said there must be some mistake. The dose we were giving Andrew was four times the normal dosage. He told us to stop all medication. I went back to work Tuesday morning and got a call a noon. Andrew was once again psychotic and it got worse before it got better. We did finally hook up with a local young female psychiatrist. I think we were her first private patients. Her diagnosis was the same as the admitting diagnosis in Charleston—Bipolar, to which she added with schizoid affect.   She is very solicitous, responsive, and helpful. I think she takes a big picture approach, that is, a family system approach. I felt very fragile and have not been sleeping well. Marnie and Eileen have been great. I hope I don’t lose my mind. I want to help Andrew find his way.

These last few words seem to sum up the last few years. I am amazed at the redundancy of the entries.  

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