Friday, June 27, 2014


What a week, visiting Andrew at St. Francis. Such a range of feelings. I was devastatingly angry with John and Andrew. I was vicious to John and also found room to be loving caring and funny. It really is quite a dream. 
The cast of characters, the nurses, the psychiatrist seem like out of a novel. Read that One Flew Over A Cuckoos Nest. Not really quite that stereotypical.
Andrew improved during the week on massive doses of Depakote and we broke for home on Friday morning. It was a week from hell. I could not go into the Citadel to pick up Andrew’s things so John went alone.  The Citadel staff was nice but it felt to me like going to a morgue. I was angry and very sad and kept trying to put things into perspective. John was a soldier through it all as I repeatedly accused him of being insensitive, uncaring etc. 

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