Thursday, June 26, 2014

August 28th through 29th 1999

August 28th through 29th we moved Lou into University of Maryland where I lost my temper with her and then moved Marnie to Kathy’s (my sibling a year younger that me)where she would spend the summer and them move into a place of her own in DC*. It was hot and heavy. On Saturday, we went to Jane’s (my middle sib and middle sister) for Bridget’s (my youngest sibling) birthday.

I picked up messages on our home phone from my sister’s and the Citadel had called to discuss a problem with Andrew. I tried to return the call but got nowhere because it was Sunday.  Then upon leaving the party for home, I checked messages again with a sick feeling in my stomach. This time I got through and was told that Andrew was being given an administrative discharge for failure to comply with the fourth class system.
 I asked a few questions and quickly discovered that the disrespectful, disruptive, unmanageable behavior being described was not like Andrew. I was talking to the medical officer and suggested that Andrew might be experiencing a psychosis. I was quite upset and cried briefly. 

Then I spoke with Andrew and I knew he was delusional. It was and is very sad but I remain hopeful that the outcome of this will be a new awareness and hopefully new skills as well.  Anyway, we turned around on Rte. 95 and headed south. We drove through and arrived in Charleston a little after midnight. By the time we arrived, Andrew had been admitted to the psychiatric floor of St. Francis Hospital. 
My heart is heavy as I reread this.

* text in red added to hopefully clarify this post. Sorry for any confusion

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