Saturday, July 5, 2014

Re-starting College

In the meantime, John and I had been encouraging Andrew to apply to our local community college. In January of 2000, Andrew registered for two courses at Delaware County Community College, one in computer science and one in English composition. He did well in English but failed to complete the computer course. He simply stop going to class. Looking back, I imagine it was just too hard for him to do the work and he might have been too embarrassed to tell us so we could have helped him withdraw.

We found out when he applied to West Chester University the fall of 2000 and was required to get a transcript from the community college. Andrew was definitely getting better and I think that at least part of him was looking forward to starting college again. He would live at school and this seemed wonderful to me. Somehow having him home made his illness so much harder for me to deal with. He seemed healthier and I think he was healthier. The only sign of his illness was his own admission of always having the voices. Other than that, he seemed and acted fine much of the time. 

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