Friday, July 18, 2014


I know how touched I was when I first received this letter. While things did occasionally get better, Andrew’s life continued to be a constant roller coaster of normalcy circled by delusions. I am more touched now rereading and transcribing this letter and trying to make sense of all that he is saying and predicting. I believe that Andrew tried with everything that was in him to do the right thing.

His decision to end his life seems to have been thoughtful and done with courage and the conviction that it was the right thing for him at the time. I believe he thought of us and considered us.

One thing I know for sure is that I am proud of him. I wish that he did not have to suffer so much and that he could have had the life he wanted. I do not think I would want Andrew to have to live on suffering and frustrated, but I would sure love to have him back with me today.

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