Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Actually, the mirror we talked about on the last blog, stayed over his bed until just before Marnie’s wedding in 2006 when we re-did his room. Andrew did not want any change in his environment. He always said, “I like things the way they are”. Lynn, our next-door neighbor, had found a big chair and hassock left by the curb in our neighborhood and brought it home. She said maybe someday she would get it redone. 

It was a very nice chair but had some worn spots on it. I asked her if I could put it in Andrews’s room until she was ready to put into use at her house. She agreed and I brought it home.  Andrew loved that chair and used it often. It was when he needed rearrange his room to accommodate the chair agreed that we moved the mirror from over his bed to over the dresser.

Even then, I had to really plead with him to get a new bed spread. He would always say to me “everything’s fine, Mom why are you always wanting to change things, please just leave things the way they are. “

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