Tuesday, July 22, 2014


dear Marge,

I miss you so much!! I’ve been having this weird feeling lately and haven’t been able to put my finger on why. So I gave it some real thought and realized that I miss my mother! I miss talking to you every day, marjoram. Plenty has gone down since you left and it has been very strange not to have you as my sounding board for it all.

My week with Andrew at the beach went really well. We had one big fight about all the TV he was watching; but, the fight engendered a conversation that was very helpful to me. He talked about doing things at his own pace, assuring me that he was making progress every day. He wondered why I couldn’t just let him come to me when he wanted to and also why, if we were going to hang out together did it always have to be doing something that I wanted to do. All of this made sense so I backed and he did come out of his shell voluntarily many times. We had a really nice dinner one night and sat on the beach for another part of the afternoon

All in all the week at the beach was lonely, because being there with only Andrew- it was most like being there by myself a lot of the time. But, it gave me time to reflect and read and relax and everything that was really good. In the beginning of the week I was so mad at Corbin for not coming with me. Then I realized that I was really all frustrated with the way things were going with Andrew; I realized by the end of the week that it was better that Corbin wasn’t there because Andrew and I actually got some QT together that I am sure would not have occurred in the presence of Corbin'

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