Saturday, October 18, 2014


     Boy, oh, boy, in writing this I realize just how little I understood of what Andrew was dealing with day to day. Despite all that he was going through he rarely complained. 
     Andrew mostly wanted to try to deal with things as he saw fit. I think we tried to let him do that much of the time. I would go along with him. The anxiety always building in the background and then I would see from the weekly medicine case that he had not taken his meds for a day or two or three and I would lose it.

He hated taking those meds. He hated being “sick” and often said that he was not sick. I think this was the part that I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand how hard it was (read that impossible on some level) for Andrew to think of himself as sick or as needing medication. It was really unacceptable to him.

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