Wednesday, August 20, 2014


My memory was that when they heard, Marnie and Eileen began screaming and wailing. Marnie went after one of the crew and then threw herself onto the ground and pounded the earth.  I recently shared this memory with both Marnie and Eileen and they added the following:

I (Eileen) was driving my car up the hill near the tracks and saw you and Dad and all of the lights at the train crossing.   I stopped my car in the middle of the road and Marnie, Rich and I ran to you.  You were wearing a black dress with a fuchsia fleece. You said, "He's gone" .  

 I (Eileen) did not scream or cry initially.   I (Eileen) just sat down on the train tracks in shock and disbelief, and you and/ or Dad told quickly told me to “Get it up”, that it was not safe to sit on the tracks.   

Then Marn started screaming, “Where’s my brother?", over and over again. Rich had to physically lift Marnie off the firemen.    
You and I (Eileen) walked back to the house holding hands.   We walked down Possum hollow and then up through the neighbor’s yard.   Not sure how Dad and Marn got home I (Eileen) think Rich got my car off the road.  Remember Melissa being there soon after we got home

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