Sunday, August 24, 2014


I told each of my brothers and sisters separately that I needed them to come, that I could not do this alone. They said when do you want us and I said right now. All of my sisters were at my house by 3 AM, coming from the DC metropolitan area and my brothers Tom and Dave who were in Mt. Airy Maryland and the Baltimore suburbs came the next day. My youngest brother John came from Kansas soon after.

Marnie and Lou went over to tell Lynn and Bill next door. They came over to join us immediately and would stay at our side continually as we endured the wake and the funeral and days and weeks beyond.

Being embraced by our community of family and friends was a gift. We absolutely needed it to move us from day to day.

It felt like they literally carried us or showed us the way or did it for us or for so many days after they fed us and expected nothing of us.

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