Thursday, March 5, 2015


         As I come to the end of this chronicle , I do understand that life was unbearable for Andrew and in some ways that made his life unbearable for me. His suffering and much of my suffering is over. For that, I am grateful.

It is certainly good to be able to talk about Andrew with family and friends and to write about the time I had with him. I feel peace on many days.

And then I remember that I will never see Andrew again. This thought fills me with a feeling of having all the air sucked out of the room and it takes my body a while to recover.

Many of you have shared your own losses with me. I truly appreciate all of your support. I am sad that I have come to the end of this reminiscence. Offering my thoughts to you and receiving your care in return has taken me to a place that I don't think I could have gotten to on my own.

Thanks for keeping me company as I remembered Andrew. Please keep us in your thoughts. 

Love Marge 

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